Drones intended to divert attention away from internal crises

The U.S -Israeli drone attack on a Defense Ministry workshop in the central Iranian city of Isfahan failed and thus the joint American-Zionist conspiracy to destroy the complex was nullified.
According to Arman-e-Melli, the Zionist regime nowadays faces a series of security and military failures in the occupied territories, therefore, in order to get rid of internal crises and security and military impasses it has resorted to such actions.
The recent attacks by Palestinian youths against the Zionists in East Al-Quds indicate a deep security and military gap in the intelligence agencies of Israel. The Palestinians have changed their fighting tactics from collective confrontation to individual operations, and this will have a high psychological impact on Israeli soldiers.
It is said that after a series of individual training, thousands of Palestinian youths have declared their readiness to carry out martyrdom operations against the repeated raids of the extremist Zionists on the Al-Aqsa Mosque.
The new method of operation costs less for the Palestinians, but its psychological impact on the extreme and adventurous Zionists is very high. Therefore, the Zionist regime has embarked on a new adventure in order to transfer the crisis outside the occupied territories and, with the help of the United States, tried to harm Iran's military and strategic facilities by using the latest military and security technologies.
The first view is that the United States and the Zionist regime have engaged in a serious confrontation with Iran in electronic warfare because the failure of the United States and its allies in the recent unrest resulted in high costs for the West.
The second look was the high ability of Iran's air defense to respond to the attack and the defeat of the American-Zionist joint plan.
The recent trip of the CIA chief to the occupied territories and the cooperation of the American and Zionist armies for infiltration into Iran's nuclear and military infrastructures are in the framework of the joint plan of Israel and the United States for electronic confrontation with Iran.
Therefore, the downing of these drones showed that Tehran's defense capability to counter these types of drones is very high.
Insulting Islam and Muslims has its roots in extremism
Ahmad Mazani, a former parliamentarian and politician, wrote in a column in Etemad that “sometimes we see that the beliefs of Muslims are insulted around the world like what happened to the Quran in Sweden. These insults generally take place in European countries that claim to be rational and justify the burning of the Quran under the cover of freedom of expression!”
Mazani added, “What happened in Sweden and the Netherlands and the threat to burn 2998 Qurans (equal to the number of victims of the September 11 attacks) by an extremist priest in the United States of America indicate that if not the main factor, at least one of the factors of these offensive behaviors are the violence by the sects who claim to be Muslim.
The Al-Qaeda, ISIS, Al-Nusra, and Boko Haram sects kill and assassinate people in the name of Allah, reject any other belief and consider them as deserving death! The burning of the Quran and any other form of insult is the result of violence by groups that claim to be Muslim, and perhaps the “think tanks” of both currents are nurtured by one center. They kill a few birds with one stone. The think tanks, on the one hand, make Islam look more violent by creating and strengthening Muslim extremist groups, and on the other, beat the drum of Islamophobia and create hatred and war between nations by insulting the Quran.
The image that Imam Khomeini presented of Islam is completely different from the Islam presented by the extremists. Imam Khomeini's Islam was against armed and guerilla actions. The Imam overthrew the royal regime without war and won the hearts of hundreds of millions of freedom-loving people in Iran and the world.
Khorasan: Struggle to perpetuate the occupation!
In an article titled "?Fight to Consolidate the Occupation", Khorasan refers to the occupation of Palestinian lands by the Israelis and writes: The statistics show that the Zionist regime is illegally increasing the number of settlements and settlers. It also arms more settlers to continue the occupation.
The information provided by the Yesha Council indicates that the number of settlers in the West Bank and Jordan Valley region was 491,923 in 150 settlements until January.
Also, the data by Israel’s Ministry of National Security shows that the requests for receiving a license to carry weapons by the Zionist settlers living in the occupied lands in 2021 compared to 2020 have increased by 120%.
This shows that the decision to arm the settlers was decided by both the settlers themselves and the Zionist regime, and they are doing the best of their abilities to perpetuate occupation, and the Palestinians, after the complete failure of the so-called peace process, have no option other than armed resistance, which has put the West Bank on the path of a decisive battle and a zero-sum game, and the winner will be just one (resistance).
Resalat: When rationality has no place in the green continent
In a commentary titled "When rationality has no place in the green continent; the Europeans' shipwreck", Resalat examines the developments in Europe and the consequences of the war in Ukraine and writes: A survey in Europe shows that the cost of living due to the war in Ukraine, the energy crisis, rising inflation and the coronavirus pandemic have become the biggest concerns for about half of the Europeans.
According to the latest Eurobarometer survey affiliated with the European Commission, 45% of Europeans currently have problems with their personal income.
Almost three quarters of the participants in the survey said they were worried about the possibility of a nuclear clash.
EU citizens say that everything is going wrong in their country.
In recent days, contradictory signals have been sent by the Europeans regarding the fate of the war in Ukraine. On the one hand, the French officials consider it impossible for Ukraine to join NATO, and on the other, they emphasize the continuation of the war between Moscow and Kiev.
There is also a contradiction between German and British officials.
The fact is that Washington and London, as two active trans-Atlantic actors, have engaged Europeans in a long-term and erosive conflict.
Undoubtedly, Russia will not stop the war until it becomes sure that NATO will not expand to the east. On the other hand, Sweden and Finland's decisions to join the North Atlantic Treaty Organization will increase tensions.
The insistence of the governments of Biden and Johnson (former British PM) on turning Ukraine into a geostrategic blind spot in the region will have a lot of strategic costs for European players, which, of course, cannot be calculated by the current dizzy governments in the green continent.
It seems that Europeans are once again ignoring their national interests and even their collective security interests in favor of Washington.
After the collapse of the Soviet Union, Russia has never publicly spoken about a military confrontation with Europe on NATO expansion to the east, but with Ukraine turning into a battlefield, a military conflict between Russia and Europe is no longer an unlikely possibility.
Vatan-e-Emrooz: When Europe was sleeping
“The European Parliament passed a resolution against the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) and asked the European Council of Ministers to declare the group as terrorist. Although the resolution is non-binding, but this proposal was extremely shameful,” Vatan-e-Emrooz writes in an article titled "When Europe Was Sleeping".
The approval of the resolution shows that the EU is blindly following the U.S. policies again and that the decisions of European representatives are influenced by the Zionists and MKO terrorists.
Brussels showed that it has no independence in foreign policy, and like the crisis in Ukraine, which followed Washington into the quagmire of war with Russia, it is now entering another endless crisis.
Even now, the signs indicate that the European Union, under the pressure of the American lobbies, the MKO and the allies of the Zionists in Europe, is following the dangerous game.
Europe is following the path that America had followed under Donald Trump. However, due to the economic and energy dependence of the European Union on the region, Iran's retaliatory measures in the Persian Gulf and the Strait of Hormuz can inflict heavier blows on the Europe's declining economy.
Anyway, the European Union is talking about putting the name of the IRGC on the list of terrorist groups as if it has been in hibernation for the past decade or pretending to sleep with the utmost shamelessness.
When Europe, along with its American and Zionist friends, was busy overthrowing the legitimate government of Bashar al-Assad in Syria, the IRGC was fighting ISIS terrorists.
The Europeans seem to have forgotten the terrorist attacks in Paris, Brussels, London, Berlin, Munich, Stockholm and other European cities by ISIS. If it were not for the sacrifices of the IRGC, they would still be watching such attacks in their own countries and the flocks of immigrants to Europe in fear of ISIS.
The idea of naming the IRGC as a terrorist group is the ultimate lack of knowledge in Europe and the height of insolence, and if the European leaders have an iota of wisdom and tact, they should throw the approval of the European Parliament into the trash
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